We have been delivering Quarterly Full Network meetings & Monthly Peer Support meetings. Would you prefer a combined Arts & Health Network & Peer Support Group meeting that met?(Required) Bimonthly (every 2 months) Quarterly Other Would you like an Arts & Health Network Brighton & Hove annual symposium with a variety of speakers & presentations?(Required) Yes No Other Would you like to continue using the Slack Group platform?(Required) Yes No Other Would you be interested in a whole day training ‘Applying for funds as an arts and health worker’?(Required) Yes No Other Is there anything else that you would like to see the network offering?The following questions are for people that have been attending the peer support group sessions. Please only answer if this is relevant to you.Would you like the peer support group to continue? monthly every 2 months quarterly Other Would you like the peer support group to continue? online in-person alternate between on-line & in person Other Do you access the recordings regularly? Yes No Other