lisa giorgi Some years ago, whilst doing my printmaking degree, a 'happy accident' occurred whereby a tiny scrap of scrim cloth caught on the roller and left an interesting mark. I ran with this idea and created a whole book of little marks, called 'Twisted Threads.' I went on to explore further possibilities of print-making with thread, fabric, clothing, scrim and stitched lines using etching and collograph. I left the idea aside when I worked on my final degree show entitled 'Fasciae', which included stitched and fabric elements. After my degree I continued to pursue separate ideas exploring my lifelong passion for textiles and textile art. I always felt I was seeking ways in which to combine my love for printmaking, textiles and collage, unsure of my direction but pushing ideas and experimenting at length.Without access to a studio or a press, working in my tiny kitchen with a sheet of Perspex, a tube of black ink and a couple of hand rollers, I experimented with monoprinting techniques. Creating new marks with fabric and thread elements, I finally began to achieve satisfying, and exciting results.At one point I started to play around cutting my prints out putting them together in collage style. Initially this happened without intent other than to 'follow my nose' and thus my latest body of work was achieved. I say ‘follow my nose’ which is true in the sense that I did not intended to create a particular outcome. Instead I let the image unfold and gradually reveal itself. The titles came later after contemplation of what I saw in the finished image. I took the ideas from this work and explored them further with textiles. This is one strand of my work that I am currently exploring, the constant weaving between textile, print and collage brings many fresh ideas for future development.

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