Sarah James

Sarah James/Leavesley is a prize-winning poet, fiction writer, journalist and photographer. She is the author of eight poetry titles, two short novellas, an Arts Council England-funded touring poetry play and an Arts Council England funded multimedia hypertext poetry narrative > Room. Sarah’s poetry has won or been shortlisted for many prizes, with individual poems published by the Financial Times, the Guardian, The Forward Book of Poetry 2016, on Worcestershire buses and in the Blackpool Illuminations. Her collections/chapbooks have won the Overton Poetry Prize, won third prize and been shortlisted in the International Rubery Book Awards and been highly commended in the Forward Prizes. She has been a festival poet in residence in a church and café, as well as a library poet in residence on the West Midlands’ Adopt a Poem scheme. Other commissioned work includes an article, photos and poem for the Wellcome Collection, poetryfilms for Disappear Here’s Coventry ring road project,  and a Camaraderie collaboration for Ledbury Poetry Festival 2017. Her latest project is an Arts Council England funded hypertext multi-media poetry narrative > Room. The collection-length series of ‘poetry rooms’ is inspired by Sarah’s experiences of living with type one diabetes from the age of six. It combines written text, animated photos and audio to create a free experience where readers can determine their own route through the narrative by clicking on different words in blue to enter a new room. Those who make it to the end also have the chance to help create a new virtual room for the project. Which room will you find next? Explore > Room here:

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