Name(Required) First Last How you'd like to be known publicly if different from above, including a pen name or pseudonym.Preferred PronounsEmail - for internal purposes only(Required) This will not be shared publicly. Phone(Required)Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code This will not be shared publicly.Please provide a photo that you are happy for us to use online/in press.Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 256 MB.Public Relations I am happy to be contacted by Creative Future’s PR consultant for possible radio/newspaper interviewsTwitter/X (if you have one)Facebook (if you have one)Instagram (if you have one)Name of Showcase GuestIn addition to yourself, you can bring one guest to the VIP reception and showcase. For additional showcase tickets, please visit: Details - name of bankFor paying travel/accommodation expenses & cash prize (if relevant).Sort CodeAccount Number