You can find the main information about the Award here:

We encourage anyone interested in the Awards to enter, and we will contact you if you are shortlisted and we have any questions.

The best way to see what we’re looking for is to purchase one of our past winner anthologies.

We receive many of the same queries about the Writers’ Award and the below may answer your question.


I’m not sure if my work fits the theme.

The theme is a creative prompt, not a requirement. We are looking for quality writing first and foremost.

Can I enter under a pen name?

You may use a pen name if you wish, including for the Award announcement, publication and associated publicity.

Can I enter an excerpt of a longer work (novel, memoir or similar)?

You are welcome to submit an excerpt of a longer work if it works as a stand-alone piece.

I have a question about the word count…

The word count for prose and line limit for poetry does not include:

  • Titles
  • Epigraphs
  • Brief footnotes
  • Line/stanza/section breaks

There is no minimum word or line count.

What do you mean by creative non-fiction?

We are looking for memoir, lyric essays, narrative/immersive journalism, nature, food, travel and place writing. Please read our blog post here.

Can I include words in a non-English language?

Of course. It’s fine to include footnotes or similar to translate anything that isn’t clear in context if necessary. These are not considered part of the word count.

Are there any restrictions on adult content or genres?

There are no restrictions on explicit content. We are open to any genre except children’s writing, although the judges do not tend to select straight genre work, e.g. sci-fi, fantasy, horror or similar.

Can I include photos, illustrations or complex typography?

The anthology is printed in standard black-and-white text and no photos or illustrations can be included. We would make every effort otherwise, e.g. for a shape poem or accents/diacritics for non-English words.

Why are poets who’ve published pamphlets ineligible?

We realise this is disappointing, but the Award is aimed at new and unpublished writers and it’s impossible to delve into all the nuances of the publishing world. We sometimes have opportunities for early-career poets so do subscribe to our newsletter.

I have a literary agent, am I eligible?

If you do not yet have a book under contract, you are eligible to enter.

Can I get feedback on my entry?

We unfortunately do not have the capacity to give any feedback on submissions.

I need to make changes to my entry.

Submissions cannot be altered after entry. You can withdraw your entry and make a new one if needed.

My entry was accepted for publication/won a prize elsewhere.

Please notify us immediately to withdraw your submission.

Can I use AI (such as ChatGPT)?

Your work must not have been created using AI software, unless this is done in a transformative or artistic way and this is clearly indicated.

Can I send a hand-written entry by post?

We prefer typed entries, but accept handwritten entries—keep copies as entries will not be returned.

Do you have any writing workshops on offer?

We offer workshops across the year depending on available resources. You can see what we currently offer here.

Can you help me get an agent, publish my book or with other 1:1 writing support and advice?

We don’t have capacity to offer 1:1 support or other services. We do not maintain a list of literary agents. Please sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on any new opportunities. You might want to look at our Resources and Pathway Guides.


To stay up to date with the winners’ announcement, upcoming workshops, events and support, please sign up for our newsletter.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to give us a call on 01273 234 780 or email

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