writing courseUnderrepresented refers to a person or group of people who are insufficiently or inadequately represented. Creative Future nurture and promote the talent of underrepresented creative people, artists and communities facing barriers and inequality to opportunity. We seek diversity throughout the UK arts and cultural sector and a world where everyone is equally represented.

Who are underrepresented groups?

At Creative Future, we work with talented creatives who face barriers to opportunities due to mental health issues, physical health/disability, sensory impairment, learning disabilities, neurodivergence, substance misuse, survivors, people from working class backgrounds, people from the LGBTQIA+ community, and people from Black, Asian, traveller, mixed heritage or other global majority backgrounds.

Things to consider when engaging underrepresented

We work with a wide range of underrepresented artists and writers, and many of them identify with more than one area of underrepresentation. It is difficult to give detailed guidance on how to approach people from each underrepresented group. Also, generalisations about groups of people are potentially stigmatising and misleading. However, there are a number of things to consider which may help, especially if you or your organisation is relatively new to working with underrepresented and/or vulnerable artists and writers.

Download our guide to engaging underrepresented communities here

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